On Saturday, I leave with "the Germans" to see all of Jordan for a week. "the Germans" consists of a group of friends of Michael, who is a middle-aged German guy and friend to Abouna Imad. He's done lots of work with the scout leaders here in al-Husn over the years. Caroline and Marlise are coming too. We will be visiting the Roman Ruins at Jerash, Wadi Rum (where I will take my David of Jordan picture for the website - stay tuned!), Petra (which was elected as one of the new 7 wonders of the world last week!), and Aqaba (a really sweet gulf locale with plenty of motor boats to rent). I am really stoked. As an added bonus, I'm going to be able to speak German with people! No one in Jordan likes German (as the girls all say, "it's so ugly. 'I love you' is 'ich liebe dich.'" I've come across similar complaints from girls in the US though, so what can you do? al-neeseah! At least German girls like German). I will be sure to post many awesome pics when I return.
1 comment:
Hey, what's not romantic about the love hairball?!?!?!
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