The second scout camp kicked off at 6:30 AM on Thursday, June 21st. It lasted 'till Sunday the 24th. It was teenage kids this time. I got to play about 10 games of chess in a row on Saturday with different kids. The weekend was the hottest Jordan has had in many years. Heck, today (Tuesday the 26th) it's 97 degrees, and it's not the hottest part of the day. I was going to teach the kids how to play American Baseball, but playing sports in the sun that weekend would have been suicidal.

The scouts found 2 baby birds that had fallen from their nest. One of them died during the weekend, but one of them made it. The kids fed it ants and water. Scrappy little guy.

Marlise is crazy dancing again. I haven't posted the video yet, but soon I'll show you how she is when an Egyptian dude shows up. Craaaazy Marlise!

Ranger Dave, hard at work. I don't always get to wear the hat - it's one of the scouts'. I do get to keep the fancy (yes, Cass - fancy) "7" that I painted like an American Flag, however. It's a 7 'cause there have been 7 campouts that year. To my right, you can see the owner of the hat, Crystal. She's Arab-Romanian (weird combo, eh?). I'm teaching her how to play the guitar.
1 comment:
Kristel Not Crystal :P
and the hat is mine :P
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